The mission of Haiti Healthcare Partners is to provide a higher, sustained quality of life for the rural population of Grande Colline, Haiti, through preventative, primary, and prenatal medical care. Our objective is to help Haitians help themselves.
Haiti Healthcare Partners (HHP) is a United States-based nonprofit ministry that provides medical services to a mountainous, subsistence farming region southwest of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Formed in 2005, HHP opened Clinique Jean-Wilfrid Albert in 2006. The all-Haitian medical staff has operated continually since that time.
The clinic namesake, Pere Albert (1948-2005), was a beloved Haitian Episcopal priest who earlier co-founded Haiti Education Foundation and knew the dire need for healthcare across Grande Colline. In this region’s largest village, Cherident, Pere Albert provided a small building suitable for the clinic’s initial staff of seven.
Today, the staff has grown to eleven, medical services have expanded, and patient visits continue to rise. Accordingly, HHP is constructing a new clinic building in Cherident. A Haitian non-profit, OCDES, partners with HHP to provide in-country oversight.
Medical Care
For 17 years, the clinic has offered continuous, reliable primary medical care. The all-Haitian staff of 11 includes a full-time physician, a midwife and assistant, a pharmacist, 3 nurses, an administrator, intake technicians, a driver, and a maintenance/security man. This excellent staff treats between 600 and 700 patients a month.
Beginning in 2022, under the leadership of Dr. Paulidor, health education and preventative care screenings (diabetes, breast and cervical cancer) are now adding an important dimension to our rural medical care.
Maternal Care
Our midwife, who is also a nurse practitioner, trains and manages a network of 3 dozen matwons (cultural midwives) who serve in villages across the mountains. The team emphasizes prenatal care, and as a result, over 100 healthy babies are born each month. The Haitian Red Cross learned about our maternal care program and has assisted us with training and supplies.
Mobile Clinic
Even though patients walk for hours to the clinic every day, the geography of the region is vast, rugged, and remote. On a regular schedule, a mobile clinic SUV and driver transport a subset of the clinic staff and pharmacy to some of the most distant villages, extending our healthcare offerings. The SUV also serves as an ambulance to take patients needing additional care to a hospital.
While patients are expected to pay a nominal fee for a medical visit, no patient is turned away